3 Simple + Big Ways To Boost Your Brand

3 Simple + Big Ways To Boost Your Brand


A fresh start to the year presents us with new opportunities and new ways for your brand to create buzz, gain momentum, and stand out.
Here are 3 ways to start the new year off right and make it an amazing year for your business:

3 Simple + Big Ways To Boost Your Brand [VIDEO]

1. Commit to being visible

Start a new project, and follow through with it completely! Have you got an idea that you’d really like to pursue but never got around to it? Always wanted to launch a podcast? Kickstart a really cool campaign?

I invite you to follow through and increase your visibility. It could be as simple as creating a weekly Facebook post.

Just remember… consistency is key! The more consistent you are, the more momentum your project or idea is going to gain. Create a new practice of visibility, and keep it up, because you don’t know how much one simple idea can really boost your brand until you’ve done it consistently for a while.

As a visionary entrepreneur, your possibilities are limitless!


2. Create community

Feeling connected to each other is a basic human need. It’s a key ingredient for our happiness. This year be the influential thought leader who brings people together through the commonalities your customers share. Each one of your customers is unique, but chances are that your customers collectively share certain similarities.

After all, they all chose your brand over other product competitors!

So why not make use of this opportunity to create a community around your brand? In doing so, you’re also strengthening the relationship your brand shares with your customers, and increasing your brand reach.

Again, there are varying degrees to which you can implement this. A larger scale example of this would be to host and launch an event for your customers to meet and connect.

However, establishing a brand community may start off with something as simple as launching a Facebook group. If this is the route you decide to take, consider how the members of the community can connect. Simple steps such as facilitating online discussions and conversations will strengthen your community.


3. Step out of your comfort zone

Haven’t crossed things off your bucket list in a while? This year is the time to take action!

With the arrival of the new year, there’s no better time to welcome change and try something new. It’s easy to get stuck in your comfort zone simply because it’s familiar, but it may be what’s holding your business back from growth.

And so, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone to boost your brand. Write a controversial article; publish that book draft that’s just lying on your desk; get creative with your marketing and branding efforts!

When stepping out of your comfort zone, leverage the good kind of fear that excites you and adds spring to your step. You never know where the next window of opportunity may take you.

Here’s a great book on the topic: Your Comfort Zone Is Killing You

Now, I’d love to hear from you.


What do you need to do this year to take the leap and step outside of your comfort zone to live on purpose and make more impact? What projects have you been putting off? Where have you been holding back?

Andrea Shillington