Branding Ideas Small Businesses Can Learn From The Courage Crusade

Branding Ideas Small Businesses Can Learn From The Courage Crusade


Are you looking for a way to stand out?  Maybe you’re in a really highly competitive industry.  You’re offering something like health coaching or business coaching, or maybe you’re a fitness expert.  In this quick video, let me take you through a behind-the-scenes look at a business coach who I believe is nailing it with his brand.




So let’s take a look at this amazing brand.



The Courage Crusade is a business founded by Billy Anderson, a courage coach.  He’s also the author of a book called “Your Comfort Zone is Killing You.”  Here are a few different ways he’s really successfully branded his business, and the branding ideas small businesses can take away. 




Recently, I was just at an event with him, and boy does this man embody what it means to have courage. He showed up in a onesie because he’s always challenging himself to overcome his fears! He’s fully embodied his life’s purpose by stepping away from his regular 9-to-5 job to pursue his own version of his success. Having the courage to challenge the boundaries of his comfort zone is his gift. It’s his talent, and he’s successfully incorporated into his business.



So, instead of just saying, “I’m a business coach, and I can do everything.  I can help you with your fitness, your wealth, and your life’s goals,” Billy has chosen to really narrow in, specifically, around courage. In doing so, he’s strategically positioning his brand in such a way that enables him to attract the right customers. By being specific about who he is and having a courage as a unique theme, Billy is able to attract like-minded customers whose needs he is best able to fulfill.



The brand name, “The Courage Crusade” is another thing I love.  I mean, isn’t that awesome?  It’s about a movement.  It’s not just a personal brand, that offers coaching services.  What Billy is doing is something really unique… he’s creating a movement of people who want to live more courageous lives.  And, then, if you go to his website, I mean, it’s bright, bold colors.  He asks you punchy questions.  Everything that he does and the way that he shows up in the world is incredibly courageous.


 Creativity occurs outside of your comfort zone.


So, I hope this has been helpful for you. I know that, especially for business coaches and solo entrepreneurs, it can be very difficult to stand out. I’d love to hear what you think in the comments below…  What brands stand out in your mind?  What brands do you believe are absolutely nailing it? 

Andrea Shillington