Goal Setting for Goal Junkies: Aligning With Your Intentions

Goal Setting for Goal Junkies: Aligning With Your Intentions


As a recovering goal junkie, I wanted to find that place within me where my intentions didn’t feel forced, heady or stuck in the matrix of the hustle. I wanted to feel that flowy feeling where things just line up in your life effortlessly as though they were always there waiting for you to find them.

I had a good grasp of what being in flow felt like where I’d literally intend things into reality. It’s easy to intend things into reality on the littler things. I’d see a woman wearing a beautiful animal print scarf and I’d intend to find one that I loved but in a different colour and then a few days later my step mother would ask me if I wanted her extra animal print scarf she had in the very colour I wanted to find it in. I’d ask and it would arrive.

It was the bigger things like finding my life partner, growing the impact of my business, getting clear on why I was here that I’d ask for over and over again without that magic flowy feeling I’d experienced with the littler things.

Over the years, I’ve reflected deeply on how to align with the vibration of what my soul most deeply yearns and craves for with the bigger things in life. I’d like to share what I’ve discovered and as always I’d love to learn from your reflections too.


1. Bake Stillness Into Your Business Plan

In our lives as entrepreneurs stillness sometimes seems like an impossibility or a luxury even. We wear so many hats that taking time to meditate, pray, be silent and sit our fine selves down to connect gets put-off and put-off and put-off again no matter how deeply we intend it. I know this, because I struggle with this daily even though I have at least five scheduled stillness breaks throughout the day that I do my darndest not to miss. Some days, those breaks slip away from me and I get to the end of the day having done only one or two. Those are the days I feel off. My best days, however, are the ones when I put stillness first. I bake it into my plan for the day. That’s when I’m at my best feeling powerfully-clear and totally on-it.














2. Letting Go Is A Never Ending Act

Lining up to your heart’s happy place starts with letting go of any preconceived ideas of what your head (aka ego) thinks is what is going to make you happy in the first place. Intellectually and energetically letting go. Not because you can’t have “it” but because you’re opening yourself up to the infinite possibilities that awaits you. In other words, the more you want it the more you need to let it go. Detach from all attachments which is a never ending act that aligns you with possibility. Because your highest happiness is begging for you to find it.














3. Surrender Is A Position of Readiness

Once you’ve let go (like really really let go) then it’s time to dedicate your alignment with The Most High, The Light, The Source… The whatever you want to call it. Personally, I’m in a never ending cycle of surrender or at least I do my utmost to be. Surrender is not a one time affair, it’s a never ending cycle. What this really means is that you open yourself to what lessons you might need to learn along the way to fulfilling on your intention. Surrender is a position that sets you up for the magic to happen. It’s a bit like taking your stance in baseball at the diamond while waiting for the right pitch to come in for your home run.














4. React With Radical Acceptance

If you make plans God will laugh at you and you’ll just end up getting attached again. I’ve found that it’s important to keep a real freedom around your intentions. Never limit their potential by expecting them to come through a certain way or thinking it’s not going to happen because it’s taking longer than you’d like. The Divine has a time for everything and if it’s meant to come to you it absolutely will. This doesn’t mean it’s vacation time and you don’t need to do anything. I’ve been waiting for Mr. Right to come into my life for 3 years but in the meantime I’ve been “doing the work” to be ready for him. I’ve also been working behind the scenes on my business to up-level it and all kinds of other things to prepare for the intentions I’ve set.

Being in a place where you react with radical acceptance is mission critical to the whole intention setting thing.

And after you accomplish these four steps … well, it’s time to start again.

Rinse. Repeat.
Get stil.
Let go.
Rinse. Repeat.

The cycle doesn’t stop, but it does get better.













Want to know more about naming your business, branding your business, re-branding your business, branding a startup, creating a tagline, creating a manifesto, creating a vision statement, creating a logo, or anything else about getting your company where you want it to be?  Please contact us today!

Andrea Shillington