Finding Your Authentic Voice in an Industry Filled with False Prophets

Finding Your Authentic Voice in an Industry Filled with False Prophets










This one’s for you coaches, healers, and experts…

Is it just me (and a hand full of my clients) or did your profession just get 10x more competitive, like overnight?

Everywhere you turn, what you do with sacred intention and care has suddenly had all the integrity stripped away, and it’s been packaged up like a McDonald’s Happy Meal.

What was once sacred, profound and transformational has become a formulaic quick fix, 5-step-this and how-to-that.

Anyone can be a coach/healer/expert these days, which is a blessing and a curse.

It seems all you have to do is take a basic course or two, then “reverse engineer” someone else’s lifetime body of work, copy their marketing, rev up some social media and … poof, you’re in business.

Where have the standards gone to become an expert these days?

Because you’ve had your head down in the real work, refining your craft, mastering your gifts and it seems like now that you’re ready to really put yourself out there in the world it’s too late, because the game has changed.  


So, how do you find your voice in an industry that’s filled with false prophets?

Here’s an excerpt from a text conversation with a client of mine today (edited to remove her identity and only shared with her permission of course) …

Her: “Andrea, I have this limiting belief that’s keeping my gifts silent. Like I’m stopping myself from generating more traction on social media because what I do is so sacred, but it’s stopping me from my voice being heard.”

Me: “What does sacred mean to you?”

Her: “Close to the heart, close to God.”

Me: “And why do you feel it’s important to hide that?”

Her: “Now THAT’S a question! I feel repelled by the way that a lot of people on my feed are packaging and selling what I do as a cheap Happy Meal, so I find myself shying away, because I don’t want to put myself in the same category of something that feels out of integrity.”

Me: “Who do you need to trust here? Is it God or these people?”

Her: “Well both, people are manifestations of God and I have made the mistake of choosing to see the good in people, which has hurt me. But it’s not doing good things for my “being visible” because I know being a thought leader and offering free content does get me clients.”

Me: “So, who’s winning?”

Her: “I know, I withhold my power.”

Me: “It’s ok honey, we all do it sometimes. The darkness will continue to win if you don’t stand up and shine your light”

Her: “NO MORE”

Me: “No more!!!!!!!!”


Now it’s your turn. Type “No more” below if you’re committed to shining the light of your truth (no matter what darkness you’re currently surrounded by).


When you’re ready, schedule a free consultation with me.











Want to know more about naming your business, branding your business, re-branding your business, brand identity, creating a taglinecreating a manifestocreating a vision statementcreating a logo, or anything else about getting your company where you want it to be?  Please contact us today for your own customized brand package!

Andrea Shillington