Broadcast Your Authenticity

What’s Holding You Back From Broadcasting Your Authenticity

We are living in polarizing times and while your frustration and shock absolutely needs an outlet, we Greater Good types need to get our hearts in the game.

The truth about who we really are is being revealed all over the world. You’re either cheering on the hate or you’re stepping up to be the change you wish to see in the world.

This is not a time to sit by and spectate from the sidelines.










So what can you do?
How can you step up?

By broadcasting your authenticity to the world through your business. In other words, get your message out there like you never have before.

We are the change makers and it’s high time you, me, and WE step it up a notch. As my friend Leesa says, “your business is a vehicle for change.”

You know all of this, yet you’re still resisting something about your message. It might be something big like you know deep down you can’t broadcast your highest message to the audience you’re currently talking to or it might be a little thing like you’re holding back a few strong opinions because you think they’re “too out there” and if you shared them it would alienate your potential clients.

So you stay in your comfort zone and continue coasting along, because broadcasting your real, true, authentic message to the world requires courage and clarity. Part of the battle is being conscious of where your blind spots are and what’s holding you back. 









Fear Of Being Different

According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs our brains are wired for a sense of belonging and not for standing out and being seen as different from others. Yet, the very nature of authenticity is calling you to be true to your own personality and follow your spirit or character. In other words, authenticity requires bravery and courage to stand in the truth of who you really are. So, it’s natural for you to feel a sense of fear when really putting yourself out there. Just remember, having a powerful brand is all about having the courage to be different and speak your truth.

Worried People Will Stop Following You

When it comes to broadcasting your authentic message it’s normal to be concerned that not everyone will agree with your message. You may feel worried that if you really put yourself out there and speak your truth on a certain issue that people will stop following you. This might very well be true; however, in my experience this is actually what makes my clients more magnetic and their followings more engaged and loyal. Infact, one client said that she finds the weirder and bolder she gets the more people started following and engaging with her message. Bottom line is, being worried about being who you really are and expressing your opinions doesn’t serve anyone.   

Avoiding A Clearer Focus On Your Audience

Over the years, I’ve noticed that my clients have very sophisticated distraction techniques when it comes to narrowing in and choosing to serve an ideal audience. Getting laser focused on the audience you serve is the easiest way to find focus in your business because who you serve impacts everything from sales to operations. Yet it’s one of the hardest decisions my clients make because they often feel like the audience will be too small and they won’t make any money if they get that narrow, because narrowing your audience is a counter intuitive decision. One of the reasons I commonly hear from my clients when they wish to avoid this level of clarity is that they love the variety, but the truth is it’s a much slower way to create momentum and growth in a business.

Be Mindful Of What You Are Resisting

Notice where you have resistance coming up for you and bring awareness to the true cause of your resistance. Don’t assume your logical reasons for resisting your message are true such as having less clients or losing certain people who follow you. Ask yourself what I am really resisting here?  What is this really about? I truly believe we are far more afraid of our light then we are of our darkness.

Going forward, when you feel ready to really go for it:

Surround Yourself With Real Support

Before you write something that’s super edgy or get on camera and talk about something that makes you nervous reach out to your community of people who really have your back. By this I mean people who gracefully point out your blind spots, who believe in you even when you don’t and want to see you shine in the world. If you step forward with courage on your own, chances are you will recoil and contract the first time you get any negative feedback and never do it again. Allow your tribe of supporters to neutralize your fear and worry and love you through the inevitable naysayers. One of my most respected mentors once told me “if you’re not pissing people off you’re not innovating” and that message helped me through some comments I wished I had never seen.

Check Your Intentions Before You Act

Before you do anything from FB Lives to coming out posts check within yourself about what your intention is in sharing your message. I even place my hand over my heart and close my eyes sometimes to connect with my heart. This is a good time to check in to make sure your message isn’t coming from a place of anger or frustration. If you’re going to really put yourself out there like you never have before just make sure that it’s coming from your highest self and not driven by egotistical means. If you are clear that it is, then trust your truth to guide you.

Let Go of the Outcome

If you’ve surrounded yourself with support and you’re clear that your message is coming from the highest place, then let go and let The Universe take care of the rest. Being attached to the outcome could mean that it’s not coming from the highest place within you or it could point to other things such as residual attachments. Aligning with your highest self doesn’t always mean you will be the most popular with absolutely everyone, but it will magnetize your raving fans to you and help you step into a position of thought leadership.

“Now is the time” is a message that came to me lately and upon reflecting what I’ve realized is that we’re getting to a time in history where the world can’t wait for you any longer. The world needs your message now. It needs you to step up and broadcast your authentic self, because there is only one of you. Everyone else is already taken. In fact, it’s your duty to share your message.










Want to know more about naming your business, branding your business, re-branding your business, branding a startup, creating a tagline, creating a manifesto, creating a vision statement, creating a logo, or anything else about getting your company where you want it to be?  Please contact us today!

Andrea Shillington