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3 Truths to Achieve an Abundance Mindset

3 Truths to Achieve an Abundance Mindset










Over the years I’ve shifted my beliefs around money quite significantly.

As with any new operating system it requires new downloads and updates for growth and expansion. Let’s revisit some of the underlying truths that will instantly shift you back into an abundance mindset. Because now is the time.

Who wants to obsess over low vibration things like paying the bills when an alternate reality of abundance is just waiting for you to join the party? Not me.











Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. If you’re in a situation of lack it’s a sign that you have an opportunity to strengthen your inner game to believe in yourself more than before.

You have the power to shift your reality at any given moment back into abundance. All you have to do is shift your thoughts about money away from your outer reality towards the inwards Source of abundance. This one focus provides all of the access. Any moment that your thoughts start to trail down towards worldly matters like paying your bills, bring yourself back into witnessing these thoughts without judgement. Observe yourself and in doing so you will put yourself back into your highest self.

Hold onto the truth that money is The Divine and this energy resides within you, so you already hold the keys to accessing everything you need.

When you focus your attention on getting money from clients, investors and sponsors in your business you’re actually short changing your supply. Instead focus on The Creator of these clients, investors and sponsors.

If you want more money and prosperity in your life turn your consciousness to the energy that creates it. The more you remember this and turn your attention towards The Creator the more potent your ability to attract the infinite resources it holds.

Don’t focus merely on the proposals and pipeline, because it’s limiting. Instead focus all of your energy on The One who Created it all. In other words, deal directly with the CEO of The Universe.   

When you’re in a pinch it’s human nature to count your bills and worry about where the money will come from to pay for it all. This moment is your greatest teacher. Now is your exam with The Universe.

It’s the opportunity for your abundance mindset to become a reality. Are you going to obsess and worry or do you act in faith and stay in the vibration of prosperity. Remember The Universe is conspiring for you in this moment and wants to give you an A+ so that you can graduate.

If you’re looking for more support and wisdom on this topic, read The Abundance Book By John Randolph Price. Don’t judge this little book by it’s cover, it will only take you about an hour to read and it’s filled with truths that will set you free. 

Below, I’d love to hear from you. What wisdom do you have to share about being in an Abundant Mindset?












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Andrea Shillington