The World Doesn’t Need Another Business

The World Doesn’t Need Another Business. It Needs Businesses to Start Movements.










In the last 5-10 years, the health and wellness space has exploded with so called “experts” making it almost impossible for people to know who the REAL experts are and what advice is actually worth listening to.

I’m just going to come out and say it: part of the problem is that there’s so much COPYCATTING online these days.

Earlier this year, Alexandra Jamieson hired me to support her with her gorgeous re-brand, but that’s not all she did.

She’s in the health and wellness space and prior to hiring me her messaging was all around food cravings. In case this wasn’t abundantly obvious, being a health coach these days is INCREDIBLY COMPETITIVE + CROWDED MARKET.

Yet, Alex is the real deal. She’s sat on Oprah’s couch. She’s the co-producer of Super Size Me. She’s been a lifelong learner. She’s been-there-tried-that herself when it comes to anything health related.

In our work together, I helped Alex rise above the very noisy market that’s talking about low-carb-this and 30-day-thats.

While cravings and emotional eating IS absolutely something she supports women with (amongst other things), it’s the WHAT she does but it’s not the WHY behind her work.

Your brand’s “why” is your golden ticket for creating global impact with your message. Powerful leaders tap into that deep-seated why behind “why you do what you do” and express that for an even greater impact (while removing themselves from the noise of their industry, too).

For Alex, at the heart of “why she does what she does” is to inspire women to LOVE THEIR BODIES so that together we can overcome the fact that 80% of women aren’t satisfied with their bodies.

Today, Alex is changing the conversation away from dieting and calorie counting …

Towards …

Play dates with our girlfriends.
Fun workouts!
Being our unapologetic real deal selves.
And most importantly, ensuring we are the rulers of our own lives.

How is she doing this? By starting a global women’s movement inspiring women to live life by their own rules and PLAY!

The global movement starts on April 29th, 2017.

Want to know more about naming your business, branding your business, re-branding your business, branding a startup, creating a tagline, creating a manifesto, creating a vision statement, creating a logo, or anything else about getting your company where you want it to be?  Please contact us today!

Andrea Shillington